Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Comic, just for YOU.

I am now the proud owner of a new laptop and a whole mess of screwed up files. So the actual website has not been updated yet. However, I have added this new "Fear" comic to the blog for all those folks who waited patiently for me to get my stuff together.

Look for to be updated early next week.

Thanks for sticking in there with me.


Unknown said...

text in last panel is too small to read in new comic

holt said...

Kevin makes and excellent point. This is not the best medium for displaying my work even in an emergency. I tried using a flicker account but the results were even smaller. Sigh.

However, my new computer is ever so shiny and it understands my every request so a new and improved version of this comic rests on the main site. Enjoy!

P.S. Look for a new death comic in the PM on Friday

P.P.S. Changes are coming to the site very soon, including a sneak preview at Death Comics that are in the works.

P.P.P.S I just thought I would add another addendum for it's own sake.

Unknown said...

heard this on NPR, and thought that if you didn't already know about it, you would like to!

holt said...

Thanks for the link Kevin! Everybody who enjoys online comics should take a listen.

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