It was quite a feat trying to figure out how to go through the whole Dr.'s office process with a fussy newborn. Alice usually feeds and then naps around 9am and she was grumpy about the change of venue. We were ok feeding and burping in the exam room during the lull waiting for Dr. Hart. However as soon as I changed into my exam gown and put Alice in her car seat we hit trouble.
My girl hates her being in her car seat post feeding (it constricts her tummy) and Alice regestered her displeasure by giving me a series of warning screams and then vomiting down my cleavage. So when Dr. Hart came into the exam room I was in a disposable gown, covered in vomit, and holding a sniffling baby.
Hence the suggestion that I just hang onto Alice during the exam. It worked out fine. Alice even calmed down enough to have her picture taken with Dr. Hart.

On the way home Alice fell asleep. I was so grateful for this lull in baby peeps that I indulged in a drive-through cup of iced tea. An iced tea that I have since come to regret...
See the kid was already off her schedule and desperately needed a nap but for the life of me I couldn't get her to stay asleep! This is how it would go:
Step #1: Lull Alice to sleep with motherly affection and various baby devices (binky, vibrating chair, NPR, rocking chair, prayer)
Step #2: 10 minuets pass, Alice awakes with a sudden bloodcurdling shriek
Step #3: Alice's big blue eyes dart around like she is speed reading and her limbs flail all over the place.
Step #4: Alice dissolves into exhausted sobbing
Step #5: Diaper fills way past capacity and another onsie goes the way of it's brethren, into the poopy bag.
Step #6: Alice begins furious wailing at indignity of being changed.
(Repeat Step #1...cycle continues)
We had an especially insane instance of Step #5 around noon which led to our first Mother/Baby shower.
I was almost fully dressed and she was covered in poo. It was pretty crazy holding onto a slippery angry baby (with the help of many baby towels) and negotiating a safe water temperature with my feet, but we got the job done. Also Alice expressed no faith in my ability to keep her safe during the bathing procedure. I like to think that I put some of her fears to rest by not dropping her or scalding her once, but I doubt it.
It wasn't really an unpleasant day for me because an unhappy Alice is still very sweet. But I feel for the kid. I don't know if the caffeine was really to blame but I am going to steer clear of mocha lattes for a wee bit just in case.
Interesting side note. As soon as Tony got home Alice was passed out and sleeping like an angel. Tony hunkered down right next to her for a nap. The two of them are so alike it blows my mind.
Case in point:

That's a great photo. Congrats on making it through the day.
Blah! What a day!!! That picture of Alice and Tony is super cute.
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