Check it out. I walk into the garage to switch our laundry and who should be hiding behind the door but this big fella...Yiieee!
Tony armed himself with thick shoes and a big vase before banishing this beast from our home. We had a long debate about squishing the spider, but logistically and ethically the spider's size seemed problematic. So he has been forcefully escorted off the property as of midnight tonight.
HOLY CRAP!!!! That spider was in your garage?!! Did you scream bloody murder?? I am getting weirded out just looking at that picture! I'm glad Tony was around to banish the beast from your home!!
I KNOW!! Check out the doorjam by the creature! That thing was huge. I didn't scream, I just grabbed the camera and took a picture. Tony asked me what I was doing and i showed him the picture. He looked at me like I was crazy for documenting the beast instead of dealing with it.
If you were in Chicago you could take a snow shovel to it.
Hah! If I had known I was going to be battling mutant spiders and huge snakes in Texas I would never have given my snow shovel to my Chicago landlord. FOOL!!
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