Monday, August 11, 2008


One lazy Sunday in my second trimester Tony and I came upon our first Austin estate sale in a fairly posh neighborhood. Since we had recently purchased a new home the two of us were in the market for found treasures to fill our new space. The home was a modest one but it was filled with amazing family heirlooms. Not furniture or flatware but tons of family pictures dating back a century, wartime journals, lovingly kept Christmas trinkets. It made me so sad to think that there was no one left in this family that wanted these treasures. I didn't buy anything because the items seemed too personal and private. Tony thought I was silly because someone will need to buy these things or they go to the dump.

This is why I was delighted to read my friend Leanne's post Scouting where she assisted this clever lady make fine use of forgotten treasures.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Hi Holt, I was just thinking....hey, I just happened to write a post about scouting today, too! And then I saw my name at the bottom of your post- ha!

Honestly, I know what Tony means about those family heirlooms will just be thrown out if no one picks them up. You could create a family scrapbook or framed wall art with "found" photographs. I've been pondering this idea myself. I mean, Brad collects found notes, list, pictures and such. This could be the next new thing in decorating- haha! But seriously...

Thanks for the mention.

How is baby Alice doing today?

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