So recently we have moved on to the Bjorn.
Today was a banner Bjorn-y day. I figured out how (with the help of a borrowed Baby Bjorn- Thanks Cathleen!) to negotiate a laptop with my feet, catch a falling binky and re-inserting it without looking, and eat "lunch" with one hand while simultaneously playing stick with the cat using the other. This was the first time in almost two months since I have played with the cat. I was so thrilled by my new skill set that I played stick for over an hour and the kitty actually got tired of me and abandoned the game in disgust.

However, I caught the kitty snuggling with his stick later in the afternoon so I think he was secretly pleased by the attention. The above photo looks like it was staged but I swear it is candid.
So the Bjorn was great for streamlining my day and lulling Alice to sleep. You know what I like to do after Alice is lulled to sleep? Put her down in the crib. However, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to dislodge myself without waking the baby. Alice is especially sensitive to the sound of snaps unsnapping and the best I could do was wiggle free and set her down gently. This was not conductive to actual sleeping, as you can see.

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