Last night I convinced Tony to sleep upstairs for the first time since Alice was born. Tony was leaving the house more bleary-eyed every morning and negotiating traffic on famously crappy highway 71. It was freaking me out so I put my foot down on the upstairs sleep issue. Tony was terribly reluctant to leave me with the baby all night by myself. His concern was adorable since I spend my all my days with Alice. At least at night she is semi-dormant.
The other reason for his reluctance is that he and Alice are smitten. He is one smitten kitten.
One side effect of a smitten new father is that certain baby activities are completely daddy-centric. For instance the "My Onsie is a Glorious Hat" game. (See above)
The other daddy-centric activity is "tummy-time" where Alice gets her workout on her stomach.

Our kid can hold her head up like nobody's business and even scoot around with her feet. However, I wish someone would inform Alice that she is not old enough to maintain this workout for very long. She works like she is training for a triathlon. When she gets tired Alice will fuss and scream but she won't stop feeling the burn. Now Mommy wants to spare her little kumquat all possible discomfort and will bring tummy time to a screeching halt at the first hoot. Daddy will hold firm and just whoop and yell "FEEL THE BURN BABY! Daddy is so proud of his little brute!"

As you can see, Alice and Tony work until they both need a nap.
1 comment:
Cute post!
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