In Alice's first week Tony and I discovered that Alice takes to diaper changes much better when the wipes are swished around in warm water for a bit. During one bewildering 3am change Tony took point and brought Alice to her changing table, while I stumbled into our bathroom to get the water ready. Nobody turns on the bathroom light during a 3am change. So I was completely surprised when I stepped up to the sink and felt something tiny wiggle under my foot. I (of course) screamed bloody murder and dove for the light. What should I see but a tiny and entirely unhurt orange baby Gecko!
What followed was a very confused parent conversation:
Tony: Are you ok?!
Me: I stepped on a Gecko!!
Tony: A what?
Me: Gecko
Tony: What?
Tony: ...wha?
Alice: WAAAA! (stop talking and wipe my butt)
Tonight while Tony and Alice slept and I put the last dishes away I looked down into the sink and what should I see but my friend the Gecko.

Here is a shot of the drain for size comparison. This fella is truly tiny.

Makes me worry about ever running the disposal again.
remember Dana Z. from UD? Her parents' house out in the backwoods of Tejas was swarming with little baby scorpions. Her father collected them when he found them -- had a glass jars full of them in alcohol or something like that - totally freaky, and not good to go walking around barefoot there. I think Geckos are much safer.
Did the gecko talk to you about saving on car insurance? Did you offer him any clams? Did he have a charming British accent?
Funny you should ask. The more nights I go without sleep the more Gecko's seem to be talking to me! I wonder if there is a correlation...
In my early days I lived in the desert (Arizona, New Mexico, etc.) so our bathrooms were always full of creepy crawlies. To this day I always check the toilet for something that could sting me to death.
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