My Dad and I rumbled around downtown and visited both the Cartoon Art Museum and this great DIY comic/zine/craft store called Needles & Pens.

The blonde lady smoking outside the store was the one who checked me out after I bought a little early birthday present for beloved husband. While we tooled around the shop I introduced my dad to both Jeffrey Brown and the fantastic Fart Party!
Julia Wertz (the fart party was birthed from her brain meats) is a great web comic creator and her guide to San Francisco The Cranky Clam was a big help in planning our vacation stops. I love her comics and I will be adding her to my links so that you can love them too.
Here is my latest favorite: Bicycle Delivery Perils
After that we hung out at Dolores Park and drank smoothies from the Dolores Park Coffee Shop. My Dad is a songwriter/performer and he had a gig at that coffee shop a few weeks ago. The park was full of crazy folks and pseudo crazy folks.

The folks in this shot were passing around a kazoo like it was a joint. One person would give it an obnoxious squeak and then the whole group would break up laughing. Good times.
I don't know what the building in the back of the picture is supposed to be but it had an interesting tower, which you can see right here:

aaah! no one ever comments about the Cranky Clam! I'm so glad it was of some assistance, your blog made me a million times more homesick, but thanks anyways! glad you had fun in my beloved city.
Holy Crap! I have such a webcomic crush on your work, and yes the Cranky Clam was crazy helpful.
I also have a webcomic (though not on this blog). I ask folks how they would like to die (given the option) and then make a comic out of whatever spews forth from their pieholes.
For example: Death by Zombie Apocalypse
I would love to make of these babies for you if you're game!
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