Thursday, March 27, 2008

How to Embarrass a CVS employee

Tonight after shopping at our local CVS we proceeded to the check out line and turned our items over to the lady at the register (whom I will refer to as "LATR" in the following conversation).

Me/Tony: Hello.

LATR: How are ya'll this evening?

Me/Tony: Fine thanks.

LATR: So, Wnn u r Tu?

Me: (confused squint) Pardon?

LATR: Ummm....

Me: I'm sorry? I don't think I understood you correctly.

LATR: (terrified silence)

Tony: June 17th! She's due June 17th.

LATR: Oh, thank God!


Bethany said...

When I was 16, I worked at a grocery store as a cashier. One time a lady came through the line and I asked her when she was due. She said, "I had my baby a year ago."

I never asked another person when they were due.

holt said...

I don't think this lady will ever ask again! She was so frazzled by her close call that she was shaking. I kept reassuring her "I am pregnant, this is really a baby, you were right!" but she was inconsolable.

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