These dogs are in my backyard as a result of an interesting feature of our new house. We have about a 1/4 acre wooded flood easement behind our yard. It technically belongs to us, but the city controls the way we use the space. Basically they want rainwater to pool in that area rather than flooding out the neighborhood. When it isn't raining the area is full of furry little animals. Hawks, frogs, owls, bunnies, and a crapload of squirrels. My Mom calls it the "10 acre wood" as a nod to Winnie the Pooh. I call it the 10-Wood as a nod to brevity.
One of the things we are required to do is have a small clearance under our fence so that water can rush out of our yard and into the 10-Wood. Thusly, on a rainy day (like the one pictured above) I can sip a hot chocolate and gaze out my back door as multiple neighborhood dogs wriggle their way under our fence. These two suckers (see above) ambled over to me and immediately started begging to be let inside. No dice.
My next door neighbor is an excellent fellow. He is retired and creates large metal sculptures as a hobby. Mostly with a southwest theme. He sodders cow horns and giant Texas Stars onto things like houses and Cadillacs. In fact he has a bucket of longhorns outside his garage. Our buddy Joe recently visited our house and he wanted to ask our neighbor if it was possible to stick a pair of longhorns on a flat-screen TV. Answer: Maybe.
This metalworking neighbor in addition to his many fine qualities (like loaning us his dolly when ours broke during the move) raises King Charles Spaniels. He has two lovely adult dogs and two sweet tiny puppies with long floppy ears. The puppies like to chase me. I must seem like mighty big game for such tiny hunters.
Usually they chase me into the house via the front door. Failing to bring down my elephantine self they slip under my fence, race to the back door, and bark like crazy. The best part is that they aren't big enough to actually jump onto my porch. So they just fling themselves at the deck and only make it halfway. The result is a row of puppies clinging desperately for purchase only to slide (inevitably) back down to the ground with little grunts of frustration.
My sister couldn't help herself and had to go snuggle them last time she came to visit which only encourages the little scamps.
I really enjoy their company, but I live in fear of backing over one (or both) of them with my car.
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