Around 3am-ish I had one of those very realistic dreams. My daughter was already born and I was trying to figure out nursing my first day home from the hospital. Suddenly she started urinating mid-feeding. I'm not talking minor piddle...I'm talking Niagara Falls. At first I reasoned that a little urine doesn't hurt anybody, but after a while I had to run to the bathroom holding the baby out ahead of me trailing a river of pee in my wake. I sort of held the baby aloft over our toilet waiting for an eventual end to the deluge when my cell phone rang. Happily my cell was on the bathroom floor (see the realism) and I was able to answer it with my foot. It was my Mom asking if I got her latest package of baby clothes.
I shrieked, "Mom! How do I stop the baby from peeing?"
But alas, Mom couldn't hear me and when the baby started wailing she excused herself from the phone call under the assumption that this wasn't a good time to chat. As the cell phone's dial tone hummed in the distance (uncanny realism) I clutched my stinky-drenched-angry baby to my chest and went, " WHYYYYYYYY???".
Offspring Story #2
The kid is moving around quite a bit these days. Yesterday afternoon I was idling at a stoplight when I felt a tiny nudge under my bellybutton. I gave my bellybutton a little counterclockwise rub with my fingertip to say hello. Shockingly I felt the baby mimic the same swirly gesture under my skin. I must admit I got a little misty-eyed at the rudimentary communication. Always wanting more I gave her another rub (this time clockwise). She was still for a few moments. Then she punched me in the gut.
My Daughter's Heirloom Closet of Wonder:

What you are looking at is the first wave of baby clothes worn by myself, my sister, my grandmother, and so on back through the annals of time. My Mom washed each garment seven times and even ironed them before shipping them to us via my little sister. It boggles my mind that these little dresses don't have any stains on them after so many babies. I fear that I might break that Martha Stewart-y trend.

These particular little shifts are made for Southern Babies who get hot under heavy cotton but sweaty without a shirt. The buttons are super teeny tiny (safe to swallow) and they fasten at the shoulder for easy changing. They are hand made and super soft. The only concern is how long the kid will fit into the dresses considering our family proclivity for big babies.
I don'T get it -- they get sweaty without a shirt? I would think that a shirt would make them sweaty...
I guess I should have said "Clammy" not sweaty. Everybody sweats in Texas in the summertime but most of us have our ironic cotton t-shirts to wick the dampness away from our skin before the sweat does it's job and drops in temperature.
According to my Mom (veteran southern newborn wrangler) sweaty babies can't regulate their temperature very well, and will get very chilly if you don't give them a light shift on humid nights.
Also, it's hard to tell from the picture but these thin little tops are nowhere near as thick as your average baby shirt. They are apparently light enough to prevent extra sweating but substantial enough to prevent a cold puddle from forming under our kid.
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