While in San Francisco my Dad bought us front row tickets to Carrie Fisher's fantastic one woman show "Wishful Drinking". Check out the link above.
My Dad specifically didn't sit in the front row for fear that Ms. Fisher would call him up onstage. As it happened his fears were totally warranted since she grabbed a guy of about his height and build directly to our right. This fella was asked to don a Princess Leia Wig© and hump a lifesize Princess Leia Sex Doll©. Then Ms. Fisher took the fella down to the matt in a flurry of kisses.
My favorite part was when she displayed the Hollywood Incest Family Tree and explained how her daughter was actually related to her latest boyfriend via adultery / scandalous adoptions.
The lady next to us said that Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher actually attended the previous night's show, and sat as far apart as the width of the auditorium would allow!
Here is my favorite quote from the show (an oldie but a goodie):
"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."
In other news I must apologize for the lack of posts these days. Tony and I asked AT&T to switch over our phone and DSL line last week and only the phone line made it. So we must wait until next week to have internet access. I am at an internet cafe at the moment getting progressively more uncomfortable in my chair. I am right around the third trimester where everything is vaguely uncomfortable except eating (minus the acid reflux). Oh and baby kicks. Those are too neat to be annoying.
Soon my friends I will be back to posting at a regular clip and you can enjoy the minutia of my...OH LOOK! There's a puppy outside!! Hello Puppy! I love your puppy face so much. Yes I do.
I'm a little hormonal today.
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