One of our neighbors owns the sixth best haunted house in the nation. We're new to the community so we haven't had a chance to get to know the guy but he seems really nice. He's got cute kids. His yard looks good. Oh, and he has a hearse parked out front.
The picture up above is not of his house. We took this photo on a walk in another neighborhood. I thought it probably wasn't cool to post pictures of the man's domicile. But I will post links to these great videos of what it takes to spend all year creating the most incredible Halloween experience in Texas. What a great job.
That's Austin for ya. Interesting characters all around between that guy, and your imediate neighbor with all the machine tools, the King Charles Spaniel puppies, and his hobby/job of affixing longhorns to various things. Plus an actual full size sattelite dish. You don't see those very often.
Alice is the cutest ghost I have ever seen.
Thank you so much! I am proud of ghost Alice's huge drool puddle on the front of the baby carrier. Spooky and Moist. That's my kid.
Mike is totally not kidding about our neighbor Charles. He is a good egg and proudly the reigning eccentric character of our block...thus far.
I haven't met all the neighbors yet. I'm looking at you Mr. "painted his house bright purple".
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