Tuesday, October 7, 2008

freaking roach

Ok it is about 4:50am right now. Alice and I are getting ready to take Tony to the airport for a business trip. I am totally awake because at 4:20am a FREAKING ROACH ran across my face. It has been raining outside all night. This is the first rain we have had in months. So critters are inevitable in our circa 1984 non-hermetically sealed house. In Texas people call these creepy crawlies "water bugs" but when I woke to scratchy legs scrabbling over my cheek my first thought was:
"Did it get on the Baby?" and "That was definitely a Roach".

I waited until the alarm went off at 4:30 to tell Tony, "Funny story sweetie..."
He went "Ewwwww!" and let me use the bathroom first while he snoozed with Alice.
When I emerged from the bathroom I said "Another funny story sweetie, the roach just ran across my foot."

Tony said, "He's a Dead Man. Kafka be dammed."
My Hero.

That Roach is totally dead now ya'll.


Unknown said...

My freshman year welcome to Texas story?
A tarantula.
In my dorm room.
In my shoe.
Not discovered by sight.
Mike Hayes tried to kill it.
It scurried away.
We never found it.

Leanne said...

Ahhhh! A ROACH ran across your face?!!! That is soooo gross!!!

Unknown said...

My brother the roach assasin. I guess all of us have limits about care for the environment, and roaches don't fall into that area (nor should they)

Only one thing to say about that bug. He gone.

Bethany said...

We used to live in Central America. The giant roaches down there, they're like birds.

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