Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Alice helps Daddy with his costume.

Alice herself was a puppy. We used ears that my Mom made for my sister Jesse back in our Elementary School days. I added the bows. Alice added the drool.

We also had elements of a ballerina costume and a Rastafarian hat (which is beautiful and will be used as a beret when Alice's head is bigger). The hat was crafted by our great friend Deacon Gloria and we love her for making Alice such a beautiful chapeau.
Ultimately Alice was a Ballerina-Rasta-Puppy:


Leanne said...

Hahaha!!! Oh, Alice. Oh, parents.

These pictures were great!

Bethany said...

That is an awesome costume...on many levels.

Vana said...

goodness...can she be more precious?

holt said...

Thank you very much! My Aunt Carol thought that Alice was Cleopatra and Tony was a centurion. In retrospect that would have made a lot more sense.

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