Alice and I voted last week. I never considered the logistics of taking a baby (plus stroller) into a voting booth. It's a tight fit, but the volunteers were tremendously helpful and even entertained Alice with shiny government forms while I did my duty.
In the past I have been guilty of just voting for members of my party or for women without knowing a thing about them. Shameful. This was due to a lack of preparation on my part. But this year I was energized by the national elections and did my research. I even researched the judges by their records. Yeah. You know it. I found that my choices were much more varied in gender and party than I could have imagined last year.
The picture was taken near the huge sign on our neighbor's back fence. There are more campaign posters (for Obama, McCain, Nader, and even Ron Paul) out than Halloween decorations. I'm glad that everybody in our community seems to be shaking off apathy and declaring their intention to participate together in the democratic process.
why, is that an ergo?!
You know it. Alice had no use for the thing in the first four months of her life. The newborn insert just made Alice angry. Her little legs couldn't wrap around her parents so she would wail like a crazy person when we tried using the Ergo in the past.
But now her legs are long enough to fit into the ergo. The picture is from Alice's inaugural Ergo walk and she had a great time.
We still have a little trouble with her head flopping around when she gets sleepy but hopefully time will take care of that.
does yours have an attached hood?
that takes care of the problem... if she'll tolerate it... and if you're not solo and your spouse can help you with the complicated procedure of strapping it on... and they can help with unstrapping it if she wakes up... now we don't even use it bc it is a pain in the butt.
Other than that, the Ergo rocks!
Alice is swimming in he hood at the moment but I bet it will be great in future, especially when we are battling the blazing TX sunshine.
You have a much more positive spin on the signage than I do.
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