Well the Baby is still chillin' in my tummy for the time being. Today we decided to forgo walking even though Bethany made a great suggestion in the last post that we visit The Blanton Museum which was actually free today.
However, with gas prices the way they are we stayed home today.
My Mom is one of those folks who own a big gas burning vehicle. Unlike most folks in my neighborhood though, she has an actual use for her 4-wheel drive, loading space, and towing capability. At this moment her car is covered in off-road mud and filled with building supplies and tools. Moma has to make a 14 hour drive on a pretty regular basis deep into the Arizona desert to reach building sites on the Navajo Nation. So her car suits her job but the current gas prices mean that she needs to restrict her driving to work related trips.
So instead of walking to start labor I tried coaxing the kid out with the cunning use of dreary chores. I attacked every mind-numbing task that I had lying around the house. Like organizing receipts by purchase, date, and ridiculousness of expenditure. Then Mom and I steam-cleaned every surface the kid might conceivably touch. Not because we worried about germs mind you, but because we are BORED!!!
I wish I could work on my comics but sitting down at the computer is a little uncomfortable right now as I have a kid struggling in my lower abdomen every time I lean forward towards the mouse. In fact I better wrap this up right now.
Today's rejected birth place: Brand new "High Efficiency" commode:

Tony picked up two new toilets from Austin's free toilet program since our thrones are from 1984. Tonight he went through the mighty task of ripping out the old unit and installing the new one. My Mom did all the calking and sealing of the toilet and she cleaned up after the project was done.
I...took this picture.
Now I haven't actually (ahem) used this potty but it would have been fun if she popped out while Grandma and Dad were upstairs dealing with pluming issues.
Stay tuned for more non-updates!
Isabelle had acupuncture in the toe at 10 AM. Contractions began four hours later. After a delicious lunch of eggplant parmasean. Just think about it.
Holt, I like Kevin's suggestion! Do it.
Oh, and the architect/nerd-in-me wants to know about Austin's free toilet program.
The VERY second that I published Kevin's comment I got a Gmail chat message from Tony saying,
"The ladies in my office have a great recipe for Eggplant Parmesan, they say it helps start labor."
No lie!
Labor has not (as yet) begun though I have had Italian food for the past three nights. My sis-in-law Karen suggested a big Italian dinner + a glass of wine. Might not start labour but you do get a nice meal.
Come to think of it the acupuncture might not be a bad idea, if I knew an acupuncturist!
Check it out: free toilets
ask your doc or midwife for an accupuncturist rec!
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