These are our buddies Brad and Leanne (Bleanne) in a picture taken by their good friend Michelle. Leanne is a tremendously interesting person and she has started a new Blog called Kindred Design. Leanne and Brad both have a background in architecture. In fact they met and fell in Snuggly LUV (awww! ) in architecture school.
Leanne is a photographer, designer, and environmental/ social justice badass. She makes the prettiest cards and I hope to see some of her work for sale soon.
Leanne and I have many things in common, one specific similarity is that we both have baby-faced husbands.
This is what happened to my husband tonight at Blockbuster:
Tony: "I don't have my card, can you look up my account using my last name?" (Tony shows ID to clerk)
Clerk: " I don't see you anywhere in the computer."
Tony: "I just have one 'B' in my name."
Clerk: "Are you under your parent's account?"
Tony: (glancing at his 9 months pregnant wife) "....I am THIRTY years old."
This is what happened to Leanne's husband one night when we all went out to eat in downtown Chicago to celebrate Brad's 27th birthday (I think, I don't remember exactly).
Waitress: "Can I get anybody a drink?"
Brad: "Does anyone want the house wine?"
Leanne/ Holt: "Sure."
Tony: "I think I'm going to have the salmon."
Holt: "That sounds good."
Leanne: "I think I'll have soup. Brad, what would you like?"
Waitress: (whispering to Tony) "We have Chicken Fingers."
All: ......
Tony: (whispering) "Psst...Brad, she thinks I'm your Dad."
Holt..awesome post. You've made me laugh so hard and it's only morning.
This is Vana, Leanne's friend, we've met before, once....
Congrats to you on the exciting news of soon becoming a MOMMY.
What? Under Vana's comment? Hi friend- that was a neat surprise! "Bleanne," huh? Brad likes to introduce us as "Bred n Lan." That's his shorthand version I guess. Snuggly Luv? A badass? Wow, such descriptive words! Thanks for mentioning my *new* blog! Brad and Vana can both make that mouse face in the picture. I haven't mastered that look yet but I have mastered the look-fat-in-the-face look! Oh yes, I remember Brad's birthday dinner/chicken-fingers adventure!!!! What a night! And what a memory! Remind us to tell you what happened to use while we were in Hyde Park over the weekend. We had a similar adventure...
Fat-in-the-where-now?!? I think you must be crazy-pants. I see no face fat. I say that as a lady with baby-making fat proudly sitting all up and around her face!
Hi Vana! Good to connect with you again. Thanks for the congrats. Tony and I love your paper designs. In fact I am going to blog about them right now!
Ok now...slow down a bit!! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. Your blog is super entertaining, and i think i might have become addicted.
Yes, it's awesome to connect again. Cant' wait to see baby pictures. When is the Big day?
Alright. Now I feel bad. You're 9 months pregnant and you're living in Texas! What's my excuse? I guess I was just in a funk. Ha!
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