Home Depot
Babies R' Us
HEB (frozen food isle)
A iconic Austin Mexican Restaurant (Chuy's)
In the middle of a sudden torrential rainstorm...on the Solstice!
Because of this reluctance to pop out the kid has lost her shot at being a Gemini and is fated to be a Cancer instead.
I was bummed by that for some reason. Couldn't even start to tell you why. I'm not into astrology. I have no idea what it means to be a Gemini or Cancer. I told Tony about this and he responded by performing a beautiful little crab dance as if he were our baby, whom he has decided to name "Pinchy". It's hard to explain, but it was spectacular and made my hormone addled eyes mist over with Tony love.
Oh and due to the rain it was just 88 degrees for most of the day. It was heavenly. We were even able to open some windows for the first time since late April. Here is the cat enjoying a nice breeze.

gemini vs. cancer: not sure, but I googled Linda GOodman's sunsigns to read about my little scorpio baby, and I found it fascinating. I highly recommend it!
Also, I would caution you against naming your child... whom I get a strong feeling is a girl ... "Pinchy." It's a little too close to the Mexican Spanish "Pinche," which, if you don't already know, is not nice. ANd what whith you being in Tejas, well, just don't do it, k?
Brad is Cancer (July 6th). I am a Leo. I don't know anything about astrological signs to be honest, though.
We're supposed to head down to our CSA farm this afternoon- assuming it doesn't rain and we have to reschedule. If you still lived in Chicago, perhaps the bebe could have been born on the farm. She could be all into farmers-markets-eating-local-crunchy-granola from the get-go!!! Ha!
Thinking of you....checking the blog for updates. Have a good Sunday!
As a pisces, a cancer is supposed to be my best friend. For that reason alone, it is a great sign.
Tony is a Pisces and when I told him that Cancer and Pisces get along well he smiled real big and said, "That's right baby, I'M the favorite parent! Baby likes me best aww yeah."
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