So the due date has arrived and we have no baby yet and it looks like we might be waiting at least a day or two. My doctor has pushed back our induction date to next week because I am reluctant to get into the whole Pitocin dance.
Today my Mom bought me some "It's ok that you aren't in labor flowers". We are going to go find a cool place somewhere in Austin to walk around and get things moving. I hate the mall with a fiery passion so we are considering the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It is over 100 degrees outside so options are limited.
Thanks for everybody who wrote in to check on me and say sweet things. I will thank you all individually when I get back from my "please water, just break" hike.
Take Care
dude, skip induction if you can help it -- there are horror stories all over about babies on ventilators because of induction...
I was induced...it's different for everyone, but it wasn't bad for me.
The whole process is so awesomely overwhelming, it almost doesn't matter what road you take to get there.
Be it by induction, or C-section, or birthin' on a city bus, however the kid gets here I will be pleased to meet her.
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