I'm sick.
I don't know if it was the wild House Search-a-Palozza this weekend, or the slight temperature change in Austin, or maybe the horrible mold problem in this apartment. Either way I am knocked flat by a cold. Thank the heavens this isn't the flu. It used to be that a cold was no big thing, just take a pill and drink some tea. No longer. Now the baby seems to want me to nap like I was cramming for a napping exam.
As a result I am running behind on Bethany's comic. This makes me so ashamed since even a cursory look at Bethany's blog shows that she would never wimp out with the sniffles. The lady is a world-traveling fountain of nonstop good times!
Plus, she's a Mommy and everybody knows that Mommy gets no sleep.
So I guess I am taking the last turbo nap of my adult life.
Take heart that the Bethany comic will be awesome and worth the wait. I am finalizing Bethany's ascension to Mount Olympus in between sneezes and snoring.
Here is a little preview:

O M G...
Get well soon. Getting over prego illness takes forever.
Oh honey, that stinks! Get better soon and dont give a second thought to winning the nap olympics your baby appreciates the gold medal!
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