I am posting this at a coffee shop while Tony and I go through our new book "Your Real Estate Closing". This is an older comic but if you haven't seen it then it's new to you!
There is an interesting discussion next to me. A red-headed lady introduced herself to a gentleman in a baseball cap by saying, "Please excuse me, I have no tear-ducts". Then she put some drops in her eyes. She asked the fella if he attends her church. The fella says no and explains that he has his own fellowship that mostly works through participating in message boards. Right now he is going through a lengthy explanation of the road that he has traveled to come to this particular brand of faith. She has been nodding and administering eyedrops for the better part of a half hour.
She seems to be interested in returning to her book but his story is rather captivating (Guatemala, suicide attempts, firebug ministers). She just asked if she could pray for him. I feel bad about eavesdropping now.
This conversation reminded me of one of my few mildly biblically themed comics so I decided to post it.
Well, I am very much the bible-loving old lady these days...this cracks me up. The proportions are, and his expression, are perfect. Hilarious :)
Thank you so much! I am glad that you liked this one.
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