Hey Ya'll, Thanks for all the lovely suggestion for entertaining/thanking my Mom after her epic road trip. We didn't get the chance to visit "Juan in a Million" because Mom wanted to satiate her southern home cooking cravings with some fried Okra. After some intense discussion only "The Hills" would do.
However, during her next visit we will dive into the Tex-Mex ocean starting with "Juan in a Million". Thanks for the suggestion Bethany!
Kevin's recipes were very exciting and we had every intention of giving them a try. However, avocados are a freaking $1.99 EACH! The hell? So we followed his Pizza suggestion instead. Not to worry I am keeping Ecua-delight firmly in mind for this summer. Hopefully I can even prepare the dish in my own kitchen in our new house, as opposed to the crap-shack we currently reside in.
Thanks to Joanna for the massage suggestion for my saintly Mother, who asks that you say hello to your own saintly Mother on her behalf. As it happens Mom is totally freaked out by stranger touches and new age Musak. I think the combination might make her break into a violent kung-fu explosion.
Mom did enjoy looking at your graduation picture on our fridge and repeatedly saying what a pretty girl you are.
This visit from Mom was wonderful since I hardly ever get the chance to see her (I left for college at 17 and haven't lived in the same time zone as my Mom since then). We talk on the phone all the time but it was so much better to be within hugging distance.
Mom was a real trouper with this house stuff. Her every waking moment was taken up with either house tours, or renovation plans for our favorite house. Basically Mom broke down a specific cost estimate for every bizarre house plan Tony and I could imagine. We toured Home Depot, Lowes, Scratch and Ding appliance stores, and even IKEA benefitting from Mom's vast experience in getting good materials on the cheap.
As an added bonus my Dad got on board with this whole home buying thing and offered us some excellent advice and help right when we needed it most. He also invited us to visit San Francisco this February. This should be fun since Tony has never seen the Pacific Ocean before. Dad and his lovely girlfriend Jill are always a kick since they live for having a good time.
My parents (who divorced eons ago) are suddenly working on the same team and saying complementary things about each other. It is so rare for me to speak to both of them in the same evening, much less have them both insist that a flash furnace is the most affordable option when you take energy bills into account.
2008 is turning out to be a weird Twilight Zone-y sort of year.
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Babies work magic.
I'm on your fridge?!! That is a whole friggin' buffet of awesome. (It's also nice to hear that one is pretty, but I have to be all professional now and crap, so I couldn't mention it first.)
I will, indeed, say "hello" to my mommy from your mommy. And it's lovely that everyone is getting along and playing nice. I agree that babies definitely work the make nicey, nicey magic. If anyone gets cranky, just hold up (what will be) that bundle of cute, drooling joy and order shall be restored. Take care, my pet, and I wish you fewer sniffles in the future.
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