Now that the holiday melee has abated I have slowly begun to turn my attention to the little person that I will be giving birth to around June-ish. Today's comic is about our first OBGYN visit and first ultrasound.
Go read it and then come back to me my pets.
Done? Good Job. Okay, so as you may have noticed the standard breast exam was a little bit unusual in that my beloved husband was standing over me at the time blushing like mad.
Here is the conversation he witnessed while trying not to look down.
Dr. Hart: "So you draw comics about Death?"
ME: "Well, people tell me how they would like to die and I illustrate what they imagine."
Dr. Hart: "What are you working on today"
ME: "Death by Zombie Apocalypse."
Dr. Hart: "I think I would prefer to be bitten by a zombie immediately rather than hiding in a basement with a shotgun all night only to get eaten at 6am right before the national guard shows up."
Me: "To each her own."
I like your doctor.
Maybe all men have odd reactions to the ultrasound. When our doc told us that it was a girl, I almost passed out, literally. That was the closest I'd ever come... I had to grab the table to keep from falling over. Girls just don't spring from Heller loins...
Awww...very sweet. One question though, is Tony aware that poking you is what landed him in the OBGYN office to begin with!? I was just wondering...:o)
When Erik and I went for our fist untrasound, he said not one word. Though his face was classic - I didnt think his eyes could get any bigger!
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