After a decade of middling to minuscule customer service we have abandoned Sprint as our cell phone carrier and switched to Credo.
The service and price is the same but Credo gives a portion of it's profits to worthy causes and they offered us a month of free text messaging. The purpose of this post is to let our loved ones know that my cell phone number is back online (as Alice melted my old phone in a rampaging river of drool) and that we are now part of the texting world.
Anyone who knows us and likes to send messages on the fly have already been warned that we are cheap, technologically stunted, and thus have never been accepting of friendly missives via phone. I used to cringe when a lovely message such as, "Happy New Year dear friend!" would appear on my screen and grouse about the $2 Sprint just pulled out of my pocket.
I have never been a particularly tech savy individual (as seen: here)
But this is a new day! We are throwing ourselves into the "I can send an email while driving" world thumbs first...for a month.
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Keep us posted on this Credo business. I'm potentially willing to switch again if the service is good.
Will do. Though I should add some caveats before giving any sort of positive review.
Credo works on Sprint's network and I don't think they use Sprint employees (but I don't know) in their Customer Service department. So far the service has been fast and easy to obtain, so I am satisfied.
Also I am almost positive that Credo doesn't work with the iPhone. I remember reading that you just got one and it would be a pity to lose something so fun right away!
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