Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thank you Leanne and Brad!

Alice and I came home from a very hot walk (102 outside today) as walking around the block is her new favorite thing, and were greeted by a "just because" package from Brad and Leanne!

The book has beautiful illustrations of foxes and frogs. We joke about Leanne wanting to go outside in nature like a weirdo but Alice seems to have the same strange compulsion. They are bonding over this outdoor fixation.

I love the ducky shirt. Just love it to bits. Leanne made that duck, which as Alice pointed out, says "Quack".

1 comment:

Leanne said...

102 degrees?? blah! I'm glad the shirt was a hit. I did a test wash but please let me know if the yellow paint comes off in additional washes. Alice is quite the model... cute, cute! Don't you love how "Mrs. Shepherd's" name is on the book- ha?!!

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