The church that we chose to go to for the baptism required that we take a class before the ceremony could be performed. We expected this to be the case but were not prepared for the not one, not four, not six, but eight hours of baptism training.
Eight hours ya'll. That is a lot of sitting in folding chairs and drinking decaf coffee while 9 months pregnant.

As it happens we missed the final class because I was having Alice at the time. The folks at the church were really nice about it and let us go ahead and get Alice introduced to the Christian faith anyway.
My Mom basically catered the whole thing by looking in our fridge and making a huge meal out of the contents. We had mango roasted turkey and gravy, broiled salmon, deviled eggs, cucumber cream cheese appetizers, and a tower of cupcakes!

Alice was a trooper for the actual sprinkling. She gave the officiant the stink eye when he got her head wet but she didn't say anything. I loved that my nephew (and Godson) and niece were able to join us at the Baptismal fount. Check out little Andy peeping over the edge with his big blue eyes.

Mostly Alice enjoyed snuggling up on family members like her Aunt Becky and Grandpa Mike (see below).

Beautiful pictures! I wish we could have been there for Alice's big day. I don't think there is a better smell in the world than Crism oil on a baby's head. We miss you guys!
Man is that the truth. I am going to have to bathe Alice eventually but I am loving her sweet head smell!
We miss you guys too and are formulating plans to descend on your town very soon.
To Alice: May the Lord bless you at this special time. {It will all make sense later. For now it is just holy water and lots of people}
If Brad and I lived closer, we would have loved to share in your special weekend. Oh, and assist in eating all that wonderful food {Go Mom!} You all look great...but especially the baby. :)
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