Last weekend my Mom came into town and generously offered to babysit so that Tony and I could go to The Alamo for dinner and a movie. Being greedy sons-a-guns we went to see 2 1/2 + hour long Batman. The freedom was so sweet and the movie was so much fun.
However, I was gripped with tension the whole time with the vague feeling that Alice needed me. I fairly sprinted in the door when we made it home only to find Alice happily perched on Grammy's knee watching Bill Moyers.
This is when I was given the best gift in my experience as a mother. Alice turned and gave me a huge gummy grin. Then she wiggled with delight and reached for me. For ME ya'll. Just the sight of me made her deliriously happy. It melted my heart into soggy bits. We had a bit of alone time that night. I just snuggled that baby like crazy as a small thank you for all the happiness she has given me.
I tend to get used to Alice after all our constant face time. I think we stop looking at each other after a while. I know that it is really rough having to go back to work when you are a new mother, but getting a greeting like that every day must be wonderful.
1 comment:
Cute picture. Alice has some chubby cheeks!
Brad and I haven't seen the new Batman movie yet. I know, I know. I'm sure it was enjoyable...
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