I usually load a new comic on Thursday, but this week Kevin H. got screwed by delays due to server issues. So in recompense I am leaving him up there a couple more days and bumping my buddy Sean (see above) to next week.
But just to be fair I am going to give you all a little glimpse into the mind of Sean (circa 1995)
Sean and I went to High School together. We took the same World Religions class and he sat behind me every day so he could fiddle with my hair. He would also whisper elaborately filthy things into my ear during lulls in the class while I clutched my pearls in shock.
I was a pretty fair student, took advanced classes and all that. However, I was constantly in detention. Not because of any misbehavior in class (heaven forfend) but because I was late every single day. Not to class mind you! My Mother would never allow me to be late to an actual class. I should explain.
I spent my last 2 1/2 years of High School in a lovely private school. This school was run by the Presbyterian Church and as such had mandatory Chapel for all students first thing in the morning. This was a time for announcements and hand holding, also a bit of singing and prayer. I had nothing against Chapel. My Mother however was a single parent and running her own business so she found 7am Chapel to be a nuisance. Especially considering her dedicated weekly Church attendance and the fact that my sister and I were both acolytes. Mom didn't actively try to miss the Chapel deadline but she didn't kill herself trying to get us in the door at seven.
Thus my permanent file is full of tardy reprimands. At one point I gathered a bunch of them together and showed them to Sean. While I moaned about the injustice of having to present these to my Mom and go to detention Sean made some...adjustments. See if you can guess which notes belong to the teacher (name removed) and which are pure Sean:

Here are a couple more:

1 comment:
Dear Holt I read your blog as do all my friends that I showed it to during Thanksgiving. Love as always, Mom
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