After a bit of fiddling service has been restored to the site and Kevin's comic is available for all to see. Please ignore the indecent bit in panel #2, that was a total accident. Don't look at it. Promise?
You know what I am dying to eat right now? Pumpkin Pie. DYING...
Good sense and tradition dictates that I should wait until Thursday to sink into that sweet gourdy custard, but I am awful tempted to visit my local HEB (the one with roving cops in the parking lot), find a non-frozen bakery pie, and tear right into the flaky squishy goodness.
But THAT would be crazy and people would stare.
Besides I am trying to maintain a healthful diet in preparation for gluttonous excess that I know is just hours away. Fiber, veggies, and fruit. Those are my mainstays lately. This morning's bran muffin prompted this comic. I am slightly ashamed of this comic but seeing as it is 2am I will post it anyways.

I apparently, am not above potty humour.
Thanksgiving is such a weird holiday in New Mexico, which is where I grew up. Much of the population is Native American, and while most of those folks are cool with a feast day the whole infected blankets/ decades of genocide thing is a touchy subject. My Mom works with primarily Native clients and she tends to treat Thanksgiving as a random day that happens to include varsity level cooking.
Oh wow, that is the first time I've seen myself in comic version. Crazy.
Hope you like it! You guys are a lot of fun to re-create in comic form. There are Violet and Dave comic characters in the works.
The teeny-tiny roller skates for Violet were a bit tricky but totally worth it, I think.
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