Here is a previously blueberry stained onsie, modeled by the little lady:

Alice will point out the details:

I used a poppy pattern that I originally made for Alice's baptism announcement:

This method will salvage quite a few outfits, so my thanks go out to Leanne and her excellent crafty blog.
Good work. Alice makes a cute model. Thanks for the mention. Hmmm. Well, I don't know if I'd say crafty blog per say. I've been lacking in the arts lately. boo. Freezer paper stenciling has made the rounds on various blogs and I was late to the trend. But... I'm a true fan. It's a simple and thoughtful idea for the countless babies born this year. Apparently, everyone I know had sex in 2008 and promptly got pregnant!! :)
While craftyness is not the only skill displayed on your blog, it does make for some lovely entries!
You do know a lot of 08 babies. Everytime we go to the market to get diapers Alice's size are completely sold out. Must have been something in the water that year. Or maybe it was Obama-mania?
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