Monday, November 9, 2009

Repeat Performance

Alice is asleep right now so I have a moment to note that yesterday's successful use of the potty was not a fluke! She requested use of the facilities again this morning and went through the whole process without a hitch. I have a book that is called "Potty Train your Child in One Day", but I confess that I never actually read the book.

Maybe Alice read it?

Banner Day

We used the potty.

Not me, or Tony, or the cat (though that would have been notable). Alice told her dad during tonight's bath that she needed to use the facilities. She hopped out and was as good as her word. Much rejoicing, the end of diapers is nigh!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Following Leanne's example

Our excellent buddy Leanne showed me how to cover unrecoverable stains on Alice's clothes with fabric paint in her great blog Kindred Design

Here is a previously blueberry stained onsie, modeled by the little lady:

Alice will point out the details:

I used a poppy pattern that I originally made for Alice's baptism announcement:

This method will salvage quite a few outfits, so my thanks go out to Leanne and her excellent crafty blog.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ate a cheese sandwich at the Capital

A five dollar "gourmet" cheese sandwich from a vendor at the Texas Book Fair (seen behind Alice)

Of course the lady needed a little drinky-drink to go with her sa-mich:

Then she needs to break it down to the smooth tunes of a high school kettle drum band:

Good Times
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