But things perked up after some pumpkin carving. Mommy destroyed a few household tools to make a messy "Achewood" style pumpkin (better photos will be displayed after it gets dark).

Achewood is a comic about cats which was appropriate as Alice decided to go out on the town as a kitty cat.
Alice tried to get the actual cat to accept her as one of his own with pumpkin offerings:

Kitty was having none of it:

Until she brought out the big guns:

I don't know how much trick or treating we are going to do, as it is pretty obvious that Alice is too young to actually eat much candy. She is clearly our candy lure. That might not be a bad Halloween onsie "Candy Lure".
Anywho she is cute as all get out and is actually aware of what is happening, unlike last year when she was bedecked in all sorts of costume madness. Thanks to Grammy for getting the kitty cat duds!

P.S. This is our only concession to Halloween decoration. Perhaps the trick or treaters won't shun us this year.

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