Alice is a bit of a string bean as I was at this age. So much so that at her one year check up she actually weighed less than at her nine month appointment. The pediatrician thinks that Alice's current predicament came from learning to walk early (burning calories) and developing teeth late so she was not able to eat with enough skill to pack on the pounds. Also she was exclusively breast fed and kids who have formula in their diets are fortified with slow burning calories whereas breastmilk burns up quickly. The additional Rice cereal with pureed fruits and veggies only go so far. In fact I might have some weight loss success if I switched to an all blender diet and spent my days learning to walk in circles shouting "kitty!".
Long story short the Dr. wants Alice to gain about three pounds in the next five months.
I am firmly and manically committed to this mission. I add carnation instant breakfast (plus a vitamin shot) and frozen blueberries to her morning milk. I keep a tiny box of raisins in her hand at all times. I hand feed her crackers with veggie puree on top. I slather her ricecakes (the favorite teething device) with full fat cream cheese.
Which is why I recently cleaned:
A pair of my pants covered in cream cheese handprints.
A cat covered in carnation instant breakfast, milk, and blueberries.
A diaper filled with about a half cup of undigested raisins.
Right now Alice is holding an asparagus spear (topped with a dollop of deviled egg filling) and looking at me quizzically.
Paul-y is also on the super-duper baby fatten up diet. The Dr. even tried to send him to the endocrinologist because he wasn't gaining fast enough in her eyes. I've since made him his own shelf in the pantry that has several bowls always stocked with crackers and snacks and such. Butter on the bread, 'dessert' after every meal, full-fat lactose free milk every where he turns....and he's still only barely 23 pounds. I advise him that he shouldn't do any more pull-ups on the back of the couch, but he's not so obedient about these things.
Thank you so much Dwija for letting me know I'm not the only one in this predicament. That makes me feel miles better. I think we need to make a handy Alice shelf that is easily accessible, as I am feeding her for 85% of my day.
I am right at this moment watching Alice feed a cracker covered in Avocado puree to the cat.
Yes, avocado is big one! And cheese....chunks, shredded, melted. Oooooh, and our newest discovery is peanut butter. The boy loves to dip, so he gets a big dollop of peanut butter and a selection of things to do the dippin': apple pieces, tiny pretzels, wheat thins, a spoon, his fingers...who knew this sort of thing could be such a problem?
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