Last time we visited Alice was a bit shy so Grandad Mike taught her to untie his shoes as an icebreaker. This was a big hit and Alice now checks Grandad's feet for laces at every opprotunity.
Shoes are their thing now.

We didn't have any recent pictures of Alice and Mike so we asked him to pose for these shots. Alice and Mike look so great and sweet together, and all I can think is "What is up with my hair?".

This weekend was also Tony's first real vacation (in a long time) with no other work activities going on in DFW.
So he took the chance to go hang out with his bf Erick. We met Erik and lovely Patty for lunch before the dudes went off to see "Star Wars" at the Inwood Theater with a whole bunch of friends. I hear tell that the Inwood has installed huge reclining chairs instead of stadium seats, and of course they have beer.
I took multiple shots of this little gathering where Alice, Patty, and Erick look just great, but Tony keeps pulling this crazy expression! I think he was nervous about relaxing with no work or baby duties pulling for his attention. I need to get him out on the town more often.

This is 8am at the Graduation pre-show donut and coffee roundup. Alice is looking upon a flock of adults in black robes.

This is what she was looking at:

Here is Alice in her official UD sweatshirt, bought for Alice at the university bookstore during the ceremony because her mother forgot to pack a coat and it was a bizarrely cold that morning.

Another great thing about this weekend was that our friends from Toronto Anna and Randy were in town to see her brother get his diploma. They have a three year old (Mira) and one year old (Olive) who Alice was delighted to see. The kids had a good time running around campus and trying out all of the swings donated to the school by the Alumni. We came upon Anna and Mira enjoying some alone time after the ceremony and promptly butted in to take pictures. Mira was very sleepy and kindly let Alice poke her in the face with inquisitive baby fingers.

We even got the chance to pop in and visit Tony's cousins Greg and Brenda whose youngest daughter Annie was celebrating her First Communion.

Anne looks so sweet here, and it seems that she is kneeling for some religious purpose, but in actuality she is using her cell phone to take a digital picture for a friend!
At the end of a long and lovely weekend Alice had the chance to play with Josef, her second cousin who is just a few months older.

As soon as Alice arrived Josef brought her his guitar and it did look like he was offering a place in his band. Knowing Alice, I think she would take percussion or perhaps vocals. She is particularly good at singing "DaDaDa". Most of their interactions involved trying to touch each other's heads.
We stayed a bit too late in Dallas and ended up back at the house around 9pm with a cranky baby. I went into the backyard to take care of watering our plants and Tony followed with Alice. We decided to improve Alice's mood by blowing bubbles for her, which worked like magic. I thought the bubbles looked interesting next to the huge pile of branches next to our porch.

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