Alice and I went to the store today on an endless quest to find foods she will ingest voluntarily. She doesn't have enough teeth to chew and most solid food makes her gag. Alice is very sweet about accepting offered morsels, but she mostly just holds them in her mouth and looks at you as if to say, "May I spit this out now?"
She is not swayed by sweets, or bright colors, or parental mimicry. So far I have the best luck distracting her with an interesting texture on her tray (birdseed, velcro, whatever) and spooning in the food while her mind is elsewhere. My Mom thinks she has a residual tongue thrust reflex. I am looking forward to her visit next week so we can all work on getting around that impasse.
Anywhodle, that was the reason we were at the store. While we were perusing the frozen veggie isle a lady in a wheelchair told Alice that she had pretty blue eyes in sign language! Alice tried gamely to wave some baby nonsense back at her. Aside from the obvious pleasure this lady's complement gave me it also made me realize that I need to get on the stick teaching Alice some baby signs.
Something else I can work on with Mom when she gets here.
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