Since she hit six months Alice has been sleeping less deeply during her naps. This makes trimming her nails while she is sleeping (the only viable option) a trial. Today she refused to let me touch her hands and actually planted her face down on her fingers and refused to roll over. Since I was working on the computer next to her I just let Alice nap on her hands. When she woke I looked down and said "Hello Sweetie how are yu..."

Did you see the perfectly formed little baby finger impressions in her soft baby face? This is what happens when we are stubborn Alice.
Today was a banner day in the learning to crawl academy. When Tony came home Alice was rambling her way across the bed toward her daddy at warp (for a scooting baby) speed. She was pretty proud of herself for figuring it out.
Ouch! Poor {stubborn} Alice.
The little nail impression is so cute.
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