Tony and I have been enjoying weekend dinners with my Uncle Philip and Cousin Ben lately. Philip is a video editor and director for ME TV and for decades has been chronicling family events. So at each dinner he brings some forgotten roll of film from back in the day.
Last time he looked through his undeveloped rolls he found these candid shots from my wedding (the wedding was also Tony's).
Me and my Granddad (Dr. Jack) who can cut a rug like you wouldn't believe.

Uncle Bobby (who just got back from the Inauguration madness), My Godmother Lisa, My Dad

The lovely girl holding my hands is my cousin India who everyone says looks just like me, which is crazy because she is much better looking than me. Though at the time she did say I looked like a princess (big dress=princess) which is a big compliment from a kid of her age at the time.

Notice the lovely saris that decorate the tables and the cake that is not melted into a puddle on the sari. The air-conditioning in the gallery where we had our reception was turned off (for some unknown reason) the day of our wedding and my Mom had to physically intimidate a service person into turning the thing on. It was July in Dallas and many of the guests were dying.
The decor was mostly Mom's doing. So were the flowers, the food, the booze, and all the horrible-last-second-disaster relief. I do have a picture of Mom in this bunch but she would be mad at me for posting it because she was in such a flurry trying to get things ready that she didn't feel like she had on her happy face in the pictures.
She is pleased beyond words with the son-in-law, but would prefer not to host another wedding (sorry Jesse).

This is one of those pictures that mean nothing to people who are not in the picture. But I see so many friends and family members that are dear to me. Some of them are no longer with us.

So many people helped us with this celebration. Tony's parents hosted a beautiful rehearsal dinner at their home, my father's mother provided cameras on all the tables, my mother's mother bought us the cake with champagne icing (it was so freaking good), my aunt got Tony a groom's cake with a monkey on it (Mojojojo from the Powerpuff girls- Topical!), my dad gave us a nice check.
Tony and I did not have a big wedding and we had lots of help, but we still ended up with plenty of debt and a profound urge never to plan another wedding.
I remember being so scared during the whole process and Tony looked like he was going to pass out at the altar. I was so worried that no one was going to have a good time and all the little details made me insane. After all that hullabaloo the actual marriage has been cake.