Even though a snake was sighted in the backyard only hours ago Tony braved the wilderness and cut back an explosive shrub at the request of a neighbor. I was really worried that he might get some sort of creepy crawly on his toes and asked him to use boots instead of sandals.
As it happened Tony found the boots to be no protection against nature. I'll let him tell you what happened.
"I was cutting a branch off a bush by the back fence, and when I was tossing a felled branch out, I saw and felt something fall from the branch into my protective boot. Then I felt a little something scrabbling in it. So, rather than freaking out, I looked down and saw a gecko trying to climb out of my boot, but one of his feet was stuck to my sock. Then he saw me and decided to retreat further into my boot. So, I gently took off my boot and he dropped out and ran away into the bush. The boot went back on, and I finished cutting the branches."
My Hero!

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