The closer I get to my due date the more I wonder what the kid will look like. Genetics indicate that she will look something like me. I would presume that Tony's baby-looks will also be a factor, but I don't have any Tony baby pictures.
So here is another baby picture of me:

And the only picture of Tony I could find on short notice:

Tony and I look remarkably alike for an infant and a grown man. Almost... disturbingly alike. I happen to know all my second cousins though, so no worries on that front.
So exciting!!!!!!! What is your exact due date?
ooh, what about eye color?
All signs point to June 17th, so I am 30 weeks right this very moment and a mere 10 weeks from "full term".
I am in a bit of a blind panic.
Good question about eye color Kevin. I will address your query in the very next blog.
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