Back to Back Medievalists! What other site can give you that awesome pairing? What other blog reaches for the upper tippy-top echelons of (capital A) AWESOMENESS?!
Well, this one does: daveandbethany.com
Do you ever meet a person at a party and think, "Why don't we already know each other? It feels like we should have been pals from way back."
Last weekend we attended a great party where I met Bethany and the husband met Dave, independently I might add. When we got back to the car it dawned on us that these folks were married, had created a legendary super team, a beautiful little baby, and a rockin' blog. So as my first ever non self-promoting link I have offered up linkage to their blog.
Aww. Now we've got to figure out a way to weasel into your comics.
idea, holt -- what about something that I can sign up for that automatically sends me an email when there is a new comic up?
just a thought...
Hello Gould Family!
No weaseling necessary, just send your response to the question "How would you choose to die, if you had the option?" to my site's email address:
I will draw a little sumthin' for ya.
This is the month when I start charging for comics so feel free to slip in under the wire!
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