Some friends of ours from college took us to “The Salt-Lick” to celebrate our return to Texas. I never knew that such vast quantities of BBQ could exist in one place. The deal is that they bring you “veggies” in the form of coleslaw and beans and a loaf of bread. Then you get the triple meat platter with an extra squeeze bottle of sauce on the side just in case your dinner gets dry (heaven forefend).
Not that unusual, yes? Well, this place differs from the norm in that the smiling sweaty (hello 80% humidity) waitress takes away the empty meat plate after you push it away groaning…and then…she brings, ANOTHER ONE!
Finish the second plate. Woosh! Another one is plopped down. Again and again more and more meat until you finally resort to paying your check in self defense.
The Husband and I have decided to go vegetarian for the foreseeable future which is not hard to do in Austin. This town is proving itself to be both BBQ and Veggie friendly.
So that’s nice. In other news:
Computer Status: Crapstorm.
The husband and I have some decision-making to do before purchasing a new computer. Sorry for the delay in comic updates but I am adrift in a computer-less world. Surprisingly my eyestrain headaches have subsided considerably. Hello Silver Lining!
When I am once again in a position to post the new death comic it will include True Love, the first canine cosmonaut, and a Space Harpy. Ruminate on that combination while you wait.
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